Accounting Apprentice - Meet Anna Ruddy
13 March 2019

With over six months of the HLA Apprenticeship in Accounting under her belt, we asked Anna how she was finding her course and work placement with Daly Park. Anna joined us after completing her A-Levels in Maths, Business and Religion in 2018. She is currently based in our Newry office four days a week with one day spent at Southern Regional College (SRC).
“When deciding what to do after my A-Levels, I initially had planned to go to university to do Accounting and Finance until one of my teachers mentioned the HLA Accounting with SRC. I then spent a lot of time researching both university options and the HLA Accounting course. I made the decision to take the HLA route because it meant I could stay at home in Newry and also gain experience whilst learning.”
Like all students, getting used to working full time and fitting in her course and studying has been challenging. “Working in Daly Park and attending SRC was a big change when I first started, but now I have got into the routine of working and studying during the week and leaving my weekends free as much as possible.”
“For anyone considering accountancy, I would definitely recommend the HLA Accounting with SRC. It allows you to ‘earn while you learn’, as well as gaining experience in the work place that goes hand in hand with the Accounting Technicians Ireland course teaching. Doing this course also means that there is no need to worry about university fees and accommodation costs. Before my final year in school I had never heard of this programme, but I am so glad I decided to take this route in learning.”
To contact Anna: